lauantai 21. heinäkuuta 2018

Translapset tarvitsevat tukea omille  identiteeteilleen - lähde University of Washington :

Studies of mental health among transgender people in the United States have been consistently grim, showing higher rates of depression, anxiety and suicide.
But almost nothing is known about the mental health of a new and growing generation of transgender Americans -- prepubescent children who are living openly as transgender with the support of their families. How do those children fare in an environment of openness and family support? When their gender identity is affirmed, are they happy?
New University of Washington research suggests the answer is yes. To be published Feb. 26 in Pediatrics, the study is believed to be the first to look at the mental health of transgender children who have "socially transitioned," changing their preferred pronouns and typically, their names, clothing and hairstyles.