torstai 17. toukokuuta 2018

WHO uudistaa tautiluokitusjärjestelmää - transidentiteetti poistuu  mielenterveyden häiriöiden luokasta  ja sukupuoliristiriita diagnosoituu jatkossa sukupuoleen liittyvänä häiriötilana :) Lähteenä Youth Ki Kawaaz- kansalaisjournaali :


Declassifying Transgender Identity As A Mental Disorder

study published Tuesday in the journal Lancet Psychiatry argues and urges for the declassification from mental illnesses. “A condition is designated as a mental illness when the very fact that you have it causes distress and dysfunction”said Geoffrey Reed, a professor of psychology at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, a consultant on ICD-11 and co-author of the study. The study clearly states that being a transgender is not a disease.
“We found distress and dysfunction were very powerfully predicted by the experiences of social rejection or violence that people had,” he said. “But they were not actually predicted by gender incongruence itself.”"

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